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tomahawk manual page


tomahawk [options] command


tomahawk is a program that enables to execute a command into many hosts.

$ tomahawk -h host1,host2,host3 uptime

—> “uptime” command will be executed in host1, host2, and host3 with following output.

oinume@host1 % uptime
22:41:27 up 10 days,  3:26,  1 users,  load average: 1.11, 1.13, 1.11

oinume@host2 % uptime
22:41:28 up 20 days,  4:26,  2 users,  load average: 2.11, 2.13, 2.11

oinume@host3 % uptime
22:41:29 up 30 days,  5:26,  3 users,  load average: 3.11, 3.13, 3.11

hosts file

-h option enables you to specify hosts, another option ‘-f’, which is specifying hosts files. hosts file is listing host names like this


Starting with “#” means commenting the host out.

shell operators

tomahawk executes commands via shell(/bin/sh), so you can use “|” (pipe), &&, || operators and so on.

$ tomahawk -h host1,host2 'ps auxww | grep python'


These programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (‘–’). A summary of options is included below. For a complete description, see the Info files.

-h, –hosts

Specifies host names for sending commands. You can specify multiple hosts with ‘,’.

-f, –hosts-files

Specifies hosts files which listed host names for sending commands. You can specify multiple hosts files with ‘,’.

Format of hosts file is below.


A line of starting with ‘#’ disables a host.

-l, –prompt-login-password

Prompts a password for ssh authentication at first. If the password is all the same between target hosts, you’ll input a password just once.

-s, –prompt-sudo-password

Prompts a password for sudo explicitly. If the password is all the same between target hosts, you’ll input a password just once. If commands include “sudo”, tomahawk asks sudo password automatically.

-c, –continue-on-error

Continues to send commands even if any errors. The default behavior is fail-safe, means that tomahawk will stop if any errors.

-p, –parallel

Specifies a number of processes for parallel command execution. (default: 1) If your machine has many cpu cores, –parallel 2 .. N might be faster.

-t, –timeout

Specifies timeout seconds for a command.


Duplicated. Use t (-timeout) instead.

-u, –ssh-user

Specifies ssh user. The default is a current logged in user.

-o, –ssh-options

Specifies ssh options.


Specifies command output format. The default is '${user}@${host} % ${command}n${output}n’


  • tomahawk-rsync(1)
  • ssh(1)
  • scp(1)